Delivering Your Audience To Their Intended Destination

Public Speaking

Sometimes, the hardest thing to do while trying to convey an idea or a point in any form of communication is finding the best route to get our audience from point A to point B. After we’ve figured out what it is we want to communicate, how do we get them there?

I recently traveled from my hometown of St. Louis, Missouri to Charlotte, North Carolina for a coaching conference. I was routinely frustrated by my trusty pre-printed routes from an online road mapping service in which I was sent down a road or path that, instead of leading me to my correct destination, led me headlong into a construction zone or a roadblock. These maps were supposed to help me find my destination with relative ease, but instead had become a burden to my goal. I had to pay close attention to all the detour signs placed in hard to spot locations along the sides of roads that the local highway department placed hurriedly with no regard for out-of-state visitors traveling in rental cars. It wasn’t until I reached the conference and met some locals that I had a satisfying driving experience. How did that experience differ? Simple. I asked them where the local coffee shop was and instead of telling me which way to go or drawing a map, they offered to drive their car in the lead while I followed them to my destination. Finally, a relaxing ride. I knew I was following someone who knew where to go.