What’s In A Name?

Baby FaceWhile preparing for the arrivals of our two children, my wife and I realized that one of the single most important responsibilities we had as parents was to give our kids a name. There were so many options! With all the books and the internet websites dedicated to the name game it would have been easy to get overwhelmed in the overload of information and get caught up in the competition with other parents for the most “original” name this planet has ever seen. But we arrived at the conclusion pretty early on that there was no way we were going to name our children something just because it sounded good or because no one else had picked it. No, we knew that names should have meaning and purpose. So, what’s in a name? Well, it turns out that names are one of the most important aspects of vision and dream fulfillment in a person’s life.

Names are important because they set a banner over the heads of our children announcing to the world who they are and what they are to become. Names are like one or two word visions that follow us around for the duration of our lives.