When Purpose Is Unknown, Abuse Is Inevitable

When we don’t know why something was made then we’ll miss out on its true capacity while we’re abusing it in the process. Could it be possible that we do this to ourselves and one another?


In this video you will learn:

  • how to stay aware of the purpose of how things are made so that you can always use them properly
  • why knowing how something is designed helps you to understand its true function
  • how things and people get abused because of the ignorance of their purpose

What power are you missing out on by not knowing your purpose?

Check out the video clip below think about what all this means for you.

When we don’t know the purpose behind the design of something, then abuse (abnormal + use) is going to be the inevitable result.

Discussion Question:

Question: With this principle in mind, why do you think women have been treated so poorly throughout history? What do you think is going to change it? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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