Episode 15: Stop Trying, Start Doing

How one word can keep you from living the life of your dreams


Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back ©1980 and 1997 Lucasfilm Ltd.

Have you ever heard someone close to you say something like, “Man I really need to lose weight (improve my marriage, build my business, get my stuff together).” But then when you ask them what they’re going to do to make it happen they say, “I don’t know…I’ve been trying…but nothing seems to work.”

Well, today we’re tackling the ’T’ word – Trying. And we’re talking about what it really means when we say it to ourselves and how it keeps us from living the life of our dreams. If you’ve ever tried to improve something in your life but failed to see the results you desired, then listen to today’s episode as I talk about what it means to stop trying and start doing.


Tweet tweet! Here’s this episode’s tweetable quote. Sharing is caring!

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Question: What’s one thing your life that you’ve been trying that you need to start doing? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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