Episode 43: 5 Ways To Rekindle The Romance In Your Relationship

Simple Tips For Reigniting The Passion Between You And Your Partner


Valentine’s Day is this week and romance is in the air! But do we really know what true romance is anymore? Or have we given ourselves a definition that limits romance to exaggerated gestures and expensive gifts that lead to hot and passionate sexual intimacy? Is true romance only meant for those who can afford it? Or is passion something simpler that can be created between you and your partner?

Well, I believe that it is. And today I’m going to be sharing 5 ways to rekindle the romance in your relationship. So, whether you’re in a new relationship and hoping to keep that chemistry going strong or are in a long-standing relationship and wondering how to get the spark back that you once had, then listen as I share with you some simple tips for reigniting the passion between you and your partner.


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