Episode 46: Communication 103 – Shut Up And Listen

The Key To Effective Communication Without Saying A Word


According to interpersonal communication experts, adults spend an average of 33% of their time listening. For something that we’re spending so much of our lives doing, are we really that effective at it? And if we could increase our ability to listen effectively couldn’t we also increase the peace and happiness in our relationships?

In the third installment of my better communication series, I’ll be sharing with you the key to effective communication without saying a word. And we’ll be exploring the 3 levels of listening that can help you tune into what your partner is saying beyond their words. So, if you’ve ever struggled to understand your partner when they share with you or you’ve ever been accused of being a terrible listener, then listen to today’s episode as I teach you why the key to effective communication is learning how to shut up and listen.


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Keep those questions coming! If you’d like to submit your question for me to answer on an upcoming episode or to be considered for your very own Breakthrough Conversation on a future show then please visit the podcast questions page and fill out the form.

Question: Take the listening challenge! Ask an open-ended question (one that can’t be answered by saying just yes or no) of your spouse or loved one like, “How was your day?” and then listen while focusing solely on them and seeking to understand what really matters. If you need more clarification, then ask another open-ended question and listen some more. Log your results and notice the emotional energy that you can create by just getting out of the way. You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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