Episode 8: Ask The Coach with Su Thomas – Is There A Secret To Self-Discipline?

What if you could finish more of what you start?


Do you have the tendency to start things and then lose the focus and energy to make it happen? Have you ever wondered if there’s a secret to self-discipline…like there was some unknown strategy that successful people know but you don’t? Well, today, I’m joined again by coach Su Thomas and we’re answering that exact question.

In this Ask The Coach episode we’ll be talking about how you can increase your self-discipline and how you can achieve the outcomes you really want. So, if you’ve ever struggled with getting the things done that you want to accomplish then listen in as we discuss the secret of self-discipline.


Tweet tweet! Here’s this episode’s tweetable quote – share away!

Save and share this quote picture to remind yourself to keep your promises ;-)


A great big THANK YOU to my very special guest, Su Thomas, for lending her wisdom and insight to this episode! If you’d like to know more about her and how she can help you “have it all” then visit her on the web at suthomas.com

Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode then please rate and review the show on iTunes

Keep those questions coming! If you’d like to submit your question for me to answer on an upcoming episode or to be considered for your very own Breakthrough Conversation on a future show then please visit the podcast questions page and fill out the form.

Question: What part of this episode stood out to you as something you’ll use in your own quest to finish what you start? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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