Episode 54: What To Do When Things Aren’t Working

The 3 Most Effective Actions To Take When You Feel Stressed


Have you ever felt like things in life just weren’t quite going the way you had planned? That the circumstances you were experiencing didn’t match the expectations you had for that moment? If you have, then you know that stress is the result of that scenario. And you also know that life gives you many opportunities to feel this way. So, what’s the best thing to do when things just aren’t working?

In today’s episode, I’m going to share the most effective actions you can take when you feel stressed. These strategies will reduce your tension, increase your peace, and help you gain much-needed perspective so that you can start moving in the direction of your goals. So, if you’ve ever felt the pain of life’s circumstances not matching what you expect and are ready to get rid of the frustration that this causes, then listen as I share with you 3 strategies for getting rid of stress and getting back on track.


Episode 53: Shifting Out Of Feeling Stuck

The Question You Must Ask Yourself When You’re Ready To Take Action


Sometimes along our journey we get stuck. Stuck in a rut of uncertainty, confused about what the next best steps are to take, afraid of another setback, and immobilized by all the options that are in front of us. But stuck can only happen to us when we forget to ask ourselves one important question.

In today’s episode, I’m going to share the question you must ask yourself when you’re ready to stop feeling stuck that will shift your focus and move you to take action. So, if you’ve ever felt like you were spending way too much time in one place but didn’t know quite how to move forward then keep listening as I help you shift out of feeling stuck.


Episode 52: Renew Your Hope

With all the bad news that seems to keep coming our way, it can be difficult to hold onto hope. Due to the 24/7 connection to reports of wars, tragedies, and terrorism there seems to be a palpable sense of uncertainty and insecurity at the forefront of our minds. So what can we do to renew a sense of hope in humanity when we feel like there’s not much to hold onto?

Today, I’m going to share how you can expect the best in a world that’s focused on the worst. So, if you feel flooded by the anxious thoughts that surround you and want to renew your sense of hope in humanity while learning to trust in the heart of life then listen into to the show today as I help you renew your hope.


Episode 51: The Burden Of Freedom

How Liberty Can Complicate Your Destiny And What You Can Do About It


Being free to make our own way in life is both terrific and terrifying. It’s terrific because we have so many options and opportunities to create the life we want. But it’s terrifying because there are no guarantees that we’ll succeed and no one else to blame but ourselves. The truth is there’s a burden that comes with freedom and it’s important for us to know what it is so that we can live our best.

If you’ve ever felt the weight of an unclear future and the confusion of not knowing exactly what to do with all the options in front of you then listen to today’s episode as I talk about how liberty can complicate your destiny and what you can do about it.


Episode 50: Your Best Is Next

Why You’re More Ready Than You Realize To Live The Life Of Your Dreams


On our way to creating the future that we desire and deserve there’s really only one person that can stop us — ourselves. And many of us do. We get caught up in the voices that tell us that we’re not ready, not qualified, and not good enough. So how do we get beyond those messages to take action in the direction of our dreams?

Today, I’m going to share the main message of my book Your Best Is Next and help you see why you’re more ready than you realize to live the life you’ve always wanted. So, if you’ve ever felt like you just don’t deserve the future you desire or you’ve suffered from feeling as though you’re just not quite ready to take the leap into the uncertain future of your dreams, then listen today as I help you see that your best is next.