Episode 11: How To Stop Resisting Change

3 Ways We Can Learn To Embrace Transition


If there’s one thing we can count in life, it’s change. The world has always been and always will be changing. But even when we know that to be true, why do we resist it so much? What is it about change that makes it so hard to embrace?

If you want to know how you can learn to embrace the transitions in your life rather than fighting them, and have more peace when things happen in your life that you didn’t expect, then listen in as I teach you how to stop resisting change…


Why Change Is So Hard and What To Do About It


One of our biggest obstacles to putting our pasts away is the way others lock us into the way we behaved in our past. Do you have these people in your life? It’s definitely not just in extenuating circumstances like the ones I’m describing. Family relationships can be some of the most difficult to navigate when we’re in our process of transformation. People that have known you to be one way and behave certain ways continue to expect that you’ll always be the same. It’s as though you can’t change in their eyes, because if you did the new you would place an enormous amount of pressure on them to change as well.

Change is not something that most people do well. When asked to change how they approach their work, for instance, most employees will give lip service to their bosses but continue doing things the way they’ve always done them. Why? Because change is work. Not laborious, physical work but introspective, spiritual work.

Change causes us to look inside at the way we do things and how we view others. It demands that we adapt to a new way of seeing and being. Change is hard to grasp for minds that are resistant to growth.

Want Your 2015 To Be Different? Here’s The Reason Why It Won’t!

The Road Ahead

It’s that time of year again. The time when we all naturally realize that we’re about to start yet another year and we’re asking ourselves, “Did I accomplish what I wanted to do this year?”

My coach just asked me this question last week and I had the good pleasure of reviewing my intentions for 2014 that I had written in January and celebrating the fact that I had achieved almost every single one. How cool is that?! It was so exhilarating to know that what I intended to do, I actually accomplished (and even more!).

For many of us, though, that question isn’t going to be answered well. Why? Because we didn’t really know what we wanted in the first place! We didn’t make a plan. We didn’t sit down and really allow ourselves the opportunity to envision the future we desired. We didn’t write down anything that we wanted to achieve, so we left it up to the universe to decide for us what our year would look like.

Sure, we wanted changes when this year started. We wanted to become more healthy, more happy, have more fun, make more money, be debt free, find our partner, make our marriage better, finally get the job that makes us smile, upgrade our living situation, get that new car, start that business, and go to that exotic location for vacation – but now we’re facing the reality that we didn’t do those things. To want change is never enough.

So, do you want your year ahead to be different? If so, then listen up! Because there’s only one reason why 2015 won’t be any different and there’s a radically simple solution to make sure that you make this your best year yet.

The Secret To MLK’s Success As A Force For Change (And How You Can Be Too)

3 Reasons Why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was Able To Change The Direction Of American Society When Others Had Failed

Every year we celebrate the life and leadership of one of my personal heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His vision of what could be, so eloquently expressed in his famous “I Have A Dream” speech, and his conviction that it should be changed the world forever and made our society a better place.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking. (Photo by Julian Wasser//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)

But what was the secret to Dr. King’s success? Why was he successful in changing the direction of American society when others had failed?

What Dr. King knew and what many other great leaders have known throughout time is how to employ the most powerful force within us to create change – faith.

Faith is a verb, an action, a muscle within us that must be used in order to be strengthened. When faith is developed, it can be called upon to direct massive action and create lasting change.

Dr. King’s faith was a keenly developed force that helped to bring about one of the greatest cultural shifts in American history. Would you like to have faith like him? Then it’s time to go the gym and learn the 3 exercises that can develop your faith muscles and make them a force for positive change in your world. 

3 Massive Mistakes People Often Make When Going After Their New Year’s Goals

Happy New Year! It’s 2014. Do you have something you want to change or achieve in your life this year? You are definitely not alone! The new year is a natural time for us to reflect on the year that has just passed and welcome our new moment of time with lots of things on our list that we’d like to see changed. We commonly call this list our New Year’s resolutions.

3 Massive Mistakes People Often Make When Going After Their New Year’s Goals

Our problem is not that we desire to change, our problem usually lies in how we go about making those changes happen. So, in the hopes that we can break the pattern of those who continue to do the same things over and over again while expecting something different to happen, let’s stop the insanity by avoiding these 3 massive mistakes that many people make when going after their New Year’s goals.