Finally Feeling Worthy At 40

Getting Rid Of The Virus That Infected My Soul

I’ve been on a hiatus from publishing on my blog for over a year now and a LOT has happened since. So much, in fact, that I’m not completely sure where to start telling the story. So I’ll start with the biggest and most profound change I experienced…I turned 40.

40, right?! When I was young this seemed so old. Now that I’m here, it doesn’t feel old at all. In fact, I only just now feel like I’m hitting my stride. Of course, I’m also just now starting to wake up with sore muscles and weird injuries that seemingly occurred in my sleep (why didn’t anyone tell me about this?) as well as a few gray hairs that my kids (who, by the way, are now old enough to talk back, make logical arguments, and cuss in context) are all too happy to point out to me. 40 feels like it snuck up on me.

The Truth About Destiny

One of the most common limiting factors that I see in many people’s lives is their beliefs about their destiny. For so many people, this word has been loaded with mystical meaning and therefore is only understood by the spiritual elite. As a result, many just leave the direction of their lives to a higher power and live day to day waiting for something to happen that will cause them to live a better life.

The Truth About Destiny

But is that the truth about destiny? Is it really a mystical force that shapes our lives unconsciously and delivers us down a path of its choosing? Or is it something much more simple that is controlling the direction of our lives?

Read on to discover the truth about your destiny. 

3 Tips To Help You Gain Clarity in Your Transition

I woke up in Seattle, WA this morning and the fall weather greeted me with its crisp air and colorful scenery. Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year because of its signal to your senses. It’s time for new beginnings. The new school year, the new fiscal year, the beginning of the holiday season, and reconnection with the profound truth that our world is always in transition.

3 Tips In Transition Article

Transition is a funny thing. It’s easy for us to acknowledge what season the world around us is in because of the abundant certainty of our science, our calendars, and the boundaries we have constructed to define them. But when transition becomes the season of our personal journey, we sometimes have difficulty recognizing what’s happening.

As a coach, I’ve helped many clients through life and career transitions as well as having lived through many myself. Because of those experiences, I’ve come to define transition as the moment when you look back at where you’ve been and know that you are no longer satisfied in that place while feeling compelled to march forward having no idea exactly where you’ll end up.

Does this sound like you? If so, then here are 3 hard-earned tips to help you gain some clarity in your transition. 

3 Life Lessons From Marianne Williamson

How to focus on what really matters - Love, Service, and Spirit

It was a Sunday morning surprise like no other. My friend Henry and I attended Brendon Burchard’s Experts Academy in Santa Clara, CA over the past four days and Brendon, ever the gracious host had been peppering in some speaker surprises during the weekend. But on Sunday morning, the last day of the conference, he completely out-did himself when he welcomed author Marianne Williamson to the stage.

Marianne Williamson Article

Marianne looked lovely in black and was quick to focus this audience of eager experts-in-training on what really matters. Love, service, and spirit.

Marianne’s graceful and powerful delivery was inspiring and I would love to share with you three standout lessons from her talk with us.