Episode 16: Breakthrough Conversation With Kim & Jessica – Part 1

How important is it to have your spouse supporting you as you pursue your dreams?


Have you ever struggled to get on the same page with your spouse or significant other? Have you ever felt like you had this great dream that you wanted to pursue or this awesome idea that you wanted to work on but just couldn’t seem to get your partner to embrace your excitement? Have you ever felt held back from where you really wanted to be by your marriage or relationship?

If so, then today’s episode is going to speak to you. In part one of my two part Breakthrough Conversation with Kim and Jessica we’ll be discussing:

  • Why better questions are necessary to give you better answers
  • What it really means to be in a relationship
  • How our beliefs can get in our own way or propel us forward
  • Why you must honor your dream while you’re honoring your partner
  • The differences between masculine and feminine energy and how understanding them can improve your relationship

This is a fun and enlightening conversation that I hope you enjoy listening to as much as I enjoyed participating in. So, without further ado, here’s part one…


Tweet tweet! Here’s this episode’s tweetable quote:

Here’s one of this conversation’s takeaways. Save and share!


Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode then please rate and review the show on iTunes

A big THANK YOU to both Kim and Jessica for agreeing to take part in the show and being brave and honest with everyone during their breakthrough. You ladies ROCK!

Keep those questions coming! If you’d like to submit your question for me to answer on an upcoming episode or to be considered for your very own Breakthrough Conversation on a future show then please visit the podcast questions page and fill out the form.

Question: What was one of the breakthrough moments you had while listening to this episode? I’d love to hear your thoughts! You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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