Episode 27: Finish Your Year Strong

4 Ways To Get A Head Start On Your New Year’s Goals


Finishing has become an art that most of us don’t dedicate enough time to. Sure, we like to start things — new goals, diets, workout plans, relationships, & jobs — but we’re not much for seeing them through to their completion. Why is that? Why is it that we can enjoy the beginning of something so much only to give up before it’s finished? It shouldn’t have to be this way.

In today’s episode we’re taking about how to finish your year strong. So, if you’ve struggled to make your goals a reality this year and you want to create a massive amount of momentum that will help you have a successful 2016, then listen as I share with you 4 ways to finish your year strong and get a head start on your New Year’s goals.


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Question: What specific things are you going to do to finish your year strong? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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2 thoughts on “Episode 27: Finish Your Year Strong

  1. Have you been reading our mail Jeremy? Haha…I think Dave and I can relate to every example you gave on things we need to finish! One thing we just started last week is running. One one thing I want to do before the year is over is fill out a volunteer form for a conservation site near me.