Episode 51: The Burden Of Freedom

How Liberty Can Complicate Your Destiny And What You Can Do About It


Being free to make our own way in life is both terrific and terrifying. It’s terrific because we have so many options and opportunities to create the life we want. But it’s terrifying because there are no guarantees that we’ll succeed and no one else to blame but ourselves. The truth is there’s a burden that comes with freedom and it’s important for us to know what it is so that we can live our best.

If you’ve ever felt the weight of an unclear future and the confusion of not knowing exactly what to do with all the options in front of you then listen to today’s episode as I talk about how liberty can complicate your destiny and what you can do about it.


Episode 50: Your Best Is Next

Why You’re More Ready Than You Realize To Live The Life Of Your Dreams


On our way to creating the future that we desire and deserve there’s really only one person that can stop us — ourselves. And many of us do. We get caught up in the voices that tell us that we’re not ready, not qualified, and not good enough. So how do we get beyond those messages to take action in the direction of our dreams?

Today, I’m going to share the main message of my book Your Best Is Next and help you see why you’re more ready than you realize to live the life you’ve always wanted. So, if you’ve ever felt like you just don’t deserve the future you desire or you’ve suffered from feeling as though you’re just not quite ready to take the leap into the uncertain future of your dreams, then listen today as I help you see that your best is next.


Episode 1: Your Past Is Prologue

What if we could allow ourselves to see what happened to us as the beginning of a story that has yet to be finished?


One of the biggest obstacles to creating the life of our dreams is our past. We get stuck in the story and in the messages that it sends to us. Our scars constantly remind us that our past was not only real, but that it was hurtful. But what if we could allow ourselves to see what happened to us as the beginning of a story that has yet to be finished?

Listen in as I help you see that life is happening for you instead of to you.


The Truth About Destiny

One of the most common limiting factors that I see in many people’s lives is their beliefs about their destiny. For so many people, this word has been loaded with mystical meaning and therefore is only understood by the spiritual elite. As a result, many just leave the direction of their lives to a higher power and live day to day waiting for something to happen that will cause them to live a better life.

The Truth About Destiny

But is that the truth about destiny? Is it really a mystical force that shapes our lives unconsciously and delivers us down a path of its choosing? Or is it something much more simple that is controlling the direction of our lives?

Read on to discover the truth about your destiny.