When Purpose Is Unknown, Abuse Is Inevitable

When we don’t know why something was made then we’ll miss out on its true capacity while we’re abusing it in the process. Could it be possible that we do this to ourselves and one another?


In this video you will learn:

  • how to stay aware of the purpose of how things are made so that you can always use them properly
  • why knowing how something is designed helps you to understand its true function
  • how things and people get abused because of the ignorance of their purpose

What power are you missing out on by not knowing your purpose?

Check out the video clip below think about what all this means for you.

The #1 Reason You Aren’t Living The Life of Your Dreams

We all have dreams for how we want our lives to turn out. We envision the world we want as us doing what we love, with the love of our lives, and giving love to the world around us in big and life-changing ways. Then, reality sets in. We get a job to pay the bills, we walk into a life we didn’t expect or plan for and, before we know it, we’re settling for far less than our heart’s desire.

Not Living Your Dreams?

What’s worse? We give up on our dreams. We stop thinking about what could be and start settling for what is. We stop demanding that the world change for the better and start living as a slave to the demands the world has placed on us.

As a life coach, I see this storyline play out over and over again with every single client (and, of course, in my own life). There is really only one reason we don’t live the life of our dreams. Only one reason we give up on the life that we want and settle for the life that we have. It’s the thing that holds our greatness hostage and keeps us from achieving success in every single endeavor…

Take A Leap of Faith

Recently, I woke up from a dream where I was hiking up the side of a rock (think Colorado) and then came to the top where I was enjoying the scenery and taking pictures of the beautiful landscape. When I turned around to go back down, I discovered that I couldn’t find the path that I had taken to get there.

Leap Of Faith

Panicked, I started to come up with other solutions. While I was frustrating myself looking for a way back down to where I had come from, I felt that I should look beyond my situation for the answer. As I stood on the edge of the rock’s cliff, I saw another rock’s ledge about 10 feet away. I knew then that the only way to move on from this moment was to jump. Scared and troubled as to why things had to be this way, I woke up. 

Wake Up to the Power of Personal Awareness

There’s nothing quite like the experience of getting a new car. The smell of the interior. The finish on the tires (that you never seem to recreate). The shine of the paint job. It’s all so exhilarating to your senses.


I remember when I got my first new car. My parents had helped me with my cars previously, but this one was the first one that I had bought myself. I remember loving the hunt, trying to find exactly the right vehicle for my needs and, of course, a style and model that “no one” was driving. I picked out what I thought was a unique body style and color for my purchase and was so excited to get it out on the road and show off what was sure to be the only one of these automobiles on the road. To my surprise, I drove away from the dealership and quickly noticed two more vehicles of the exact same model and style in different colors on the road. As it turns out, I wasn’t the only one with this car. Who knew?

There’s this part of our brains called the Reticular Activating System (or RAS for short). The RAS is the automatic mechanism inside our brains that brings relevant information to our attention. It’s the function of our brains that causes “new car syndrome” – seeing the model of our new car on the same roads where we previously had not seen any.

The RAS is like a filter between our conscious mind and our subconscious mind. It takes instructions from our conscious mind and passes them on to our subconscious. For example, the conscious instruction of “watch out for cars on the road just like mine” sends a signal through the RAS and summons the force of our subconscious mind to bring any matches to our attention.

Have you ever had this happen to you? You go through life not even knowing that something existed, then you notice it everywhere after you’ve been made aware. That’s your RAS bridging the gap between your conscious and subconscious minds to bring attention to whatever you are now plainly aware of.

A good analogy for our conscious and subconscious minds is an iceberg. It’s estimated that only 10% of an iceberg is visibly above water while the remaining 90% of it still lies beneath the surface of the water. Like the iceberg, our conscious minds are what we notice above the surface of our thoughts while our subconscious minds are the huge mass of thought beneath. For example, neuroscience estimates that our subconscious minds are processing 1500-1700 words per minute, while our conscious minds are only processing around 100. So, when we consciously become aware of something, the message is sent through the RAS to our subconscious mind to bring attention and focus to our new awareness. Our 10% can program our 90% if we understand the process of awareness.

That is why if we want to create the lives we desire and deserve then we absolutely must wake up the power of personal awareness. So, here are three tips to increase your awareness and help you live awake and conscious every single day. 

The Secret To MLK’s Success As A Force For Change (And How You Can Be Too)

3 Reasons Why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was Able To Change The Direction Of American Society When Others Had Failed

Every year we celebrate the life and leadership of one of my personal heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His vision of what could be, so eloquently expressed in his famous “I Have A Dream” speech, and his conviction that it should be changed the world forever and made our society a better place.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking. (Photo by Julian Wasser//Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)

But what was the secret to Dr. King’s success? Why was he successful in changing the direction of American society when others had failed?

What Dr. King knew and what many other great leaders have known throughout time is how to employ the most powerful force within us to create change – faith.

Faith is a verb, an action, a muscle within us that must be used in order to be strengthened. When faith is developed, it can be called upon to direct massive action and create lasting change.

Dr. King’s faith was a keenly developed force that helped to bring about one of the greatest cultural shifts in American history. Would you like to have faith like him? Then it’s time to go the gym and learn the 3 exercises that can develop your faith muscles and make them a force for positive change in your world.