Episode 6: Interview with Chris Robinson – Developing The Leader Within You

Are you ready to increase your influence and expand your impact?


In this episode I’m interviewing leadership expert & motivational speaker, Chris Robinson, and we’ll be talking about how to develop the leader within you. Chris is a part of the John Maxwell Team and is a certified coach, teacher, and speaker that works with individuals and organizations looking to increase their impact and expand their influence.


Chris and I in my home studio

In this inspirational interview, Chris and I talk about:

  • The definition of leadership (what is & what it isn’t)
  • Some of the biggest mistakes many leaders make (and how to correct them)
  • Why the world is in a crisis of good leadership and what we can do about it
  • What unique characteristics set women apart as leaders from men (and why we need more women to lead)
  • How to discover and develop the leader within you

This conversation full of life-changing insights will leave you feeling empowered, enriched, and ready to increase your personal influence. Enjoy the interview!


Tweet tweet! This episode’s tweetable quote belongs to my guest, Chris Robinson:

Here’s this episode’s sharable pic. Save and share away!


A big THANK YOU to my very special guest (and friend), Chris Robinson, for joining me on this episode and lending his leadership expertise for us all to learn from!

For more information about Chris and some free resources to help develop the leader within you, visit him on the web at liftmylid.com. You can also follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Question: What was one leadership learning that stood out to you, and how will you apply it to your life today? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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3 thoughts on “Episode 6: Interview with Chris Robinson – Developing The Leader Within You

  1. I have a question. I have felt for years that God has a plan for me, but when I have tried to do it I have had much opposition and get frustrated. I have done what was right and always showed respect to the pastor. I have always been told that when God has a plan for you to do something he will open doors. Since no doors were opened I assumed it was just me. Then I get that feeling in my spirit. Idk what to think. Can you give me some advise?

    • Hi Shelly! Sorry I didn’t see your comment sooner…please forgive my delay. I’m not sure this is the place to really unfold your question, but we could really dive into it and get your answer if you’d consider being my guest for a breakthrough conversation on the podcast! Your question is a great one, but it has many layers and it’s more easily understood in the context of a conversation. I hope you’ll consider it! If you like that idea, then just email me at [email protected] and we’ll make arrangements. Thanks for your question!

    • Shelly, I took your question to my good friend, Pastor Henry Ballard, and we talked about it on an Ask The Coach episode of the podcast. We tried our best to answer your question and give you some actionable advice. You can listen to it here: https://jeremyflagg.com/episode12/

      Please be sure to let us know what you’re taking away from the conversation by posting your thoughts in the comments section of the episode. Thanks!