Wake Up To Your Worth [VIDEO]

How Realizing Your Value Increases Your Quality Of Life

Have you ever struggled to feel like you’re enough? Do feel you might be settling for less than you’re capable of? Then it’s time to wake up to your worth!

In this video, I tell you a story that gave my wife goosebumps and started a dialogue the importance of self-worth. Watch it if you sometimes find it difficult to stand in the complete confidence that you’re highly valued. There may be a surprise about your self-worth hiding right in plain sight…

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The world needs your voice, your talent, and your contribution NOW my friend. Are you aware of how valuable you are? I hope this story wakes you up to your worth!

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4 thoughts on “Wake Up To Your Worth [VIDEO]

  1. What an amazing story. It is amazing how so often we sit on our gifts and callings that are within us all from birth. SO glad to see you back Jeremy.

  2. Great story & a very engaging way of delivering it!
    Loved the part that after she found out about her inheritance she didn’t reject it or assume that it’s to late to receive it.
    Once we are awakened to our worth we always have a choice – to either embrace it or reject it. If we truly accept it we can never go back and be satisfied with the old.
    Thank you!